Captain Diabetes, Ian, is my right hand man. If he could have 10 of Carl Sagan's babies, he would. He is passionate about astrophysics and correcting people's grammar. Ian loves music and has played off and on in bands throughout the years as a keyboardist. One day he aspires to have a tattoo with all his favorite scientists sitting Last Supper-style across the top of his back. Because science. Did I mention he loves science? All the science.
Together we have created three of the most awesome children ever! Kieran (aka Wolfenstein) is the oldest of our brood. He's almost 12 and an animal whisperer who hopes to one day work alongside Liam at an animal rescue center. He is one of the most polite and caring kids I've ever met and is always looking for ways to help others. Kieran is unschooled and currently loves spending his days doing yoga, drumming, and creating (which looks like something different every day.)
Liam (aka Moonbeam Apache Equinox Bong Mah Walters) is our middle son. He has big goals for his life and is already trying to puzzle out how to achieve each and every one. One day he plans to be an independent game designer who runs an animal rescue center based out of London while also perfecting his culinary skills as a chef. He has a deep love of Mika and Freddie Mercury from Queen and sweet dance moves. He's excited to start a YouTube channel and to hone his vlogging and Let's Play skills.
Violet (aka Sunflower Ann Marie) is our youngest. She may be six, but she is the fiercest of them all, with jaws that bite and claws that catch. She's no jabberwocky, but she is a ferocious little kitten of a child. She is working her tail off figuring out how to read as she is anxious to be able to read all the many, many, many books in the house without any help. A girl after my own heart!
Along with the humans at The Compound live 7 chickens, 2 cats, 2 rabbits, and 4 fish. The Girls (shorthand for the various breeds and personalities that are our chicks) are beautiful nightmare creatures that make vibrant orange-yolked eggs that taste like heaven. Now if only they would chill in their area of the yard and spend a little less time in my garden...
Arya is our fierce gray shadow cat. She loves babies, pregnant people, and adults. Zuko is the resident kid cat. He turns into a blob whenever a child holds him and will lie there more or less contently until the kid has other things to do. Zuko gets really confused when adults try to pet him though. He doesn't seem to understand why he isn't being slung under an arm and carted around. Sweet meow.
Appa and Momo are our resident bunny friends. They, however, are not friends. Hence why they are not pictured together. Appa is fat and chill and likes to take life easy. Momo is tiny and hyper and enjoys giving Appa big panic attacks. So they get to be friends with the cats and the chickens. Silly rabbits.
With all the spare time that raising kids, midwifery, and herbal work affords, I, along with my cohorts, work our bootays off to turn our suburban desert into a suburban homestead. It's pretty much awesomesauce!
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